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Write a program that will prompt the user to enter a hex digit character and display it on the next line in decimal

#. Write a program that will prompt the user to enter a hex digit character ("0"· ... "9" or "A" ... "F"), display it on the next line in decimal, and ask the user i.i he or she wants to do it again. If the user types "y" or "Y", the ·program repeats; If the user types anything else, the program terminates. If the user enters an illegal character, prompt the user to try again. 


.model small
.stack 100h
msg1 db 10,13,'ENTER A HEX DIGIT:$'
msg2 db 10,13,'IN DECIMAL IS IT:$'
msg3 db 10,13,'DO YOU WANT TO DO IT AGAIN y/n?$'
msg4 db 10,13,'ILLEGAL CHARACTER- ENTER 0-9 OR A-F:$'



   mov ax,@data   
   mov ds,ax   
   lea dx,msg1   
   mov ah,9   
   int 21h       
   mov ah,1   
   int 21h       
   mov bl,al
   jmp go
      cmp bl,'9'    
      ja hex     
      jb num    
      je num 
       cmp bl,'F'    
       ja illegal    
       lea dx,msg2    
       mov ah,9   
       int 21h        
       mov dl,49d    
       mov ah,2    
       int 21h 
       sub bl,17d      
       mov dl,bl    
       mov ah,2    
       int 21h
       jmp inp
       lea dx,msg3    
       mov ah,9    
       int 21h         
       mov ah,1    
       int 21h         
       mov cl,al    
       cmp cl,'y'    
       je again    
       cmp cl,'Y'  
       je again    
       jmp exit
      cmp bl,'0'   
      jb illegal       
      lea dx,msg2    
      mov ah,9   
      int 21h             
      mov dl,bl  
      mov ah,2   
      int 21h       
      jmp inp
      lea dx,msg4      
      mov ah,9       
      int 21h               
      mov ah,1       
      int 21h               
      mov bl,al                
      jmp go 
       mov ah,4ch
       int 21h


Write a program that will prompt the user to enter a hex digit character and display it on the next line in decimal

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